
Will More Free Time Bring You Joy?

mom holding her kid by the beach laughing

A CEO of a business sits at the top. They manage multiple agendas, levels, and positions while making sure everything continues to run smoothly. They’re also responsible for when things don’t. Although CEOs typically have a surplus of resources to assist them in their work, they lack free time. No one can add hours to the day.

Managing a household can be seen as a similarly demanding (and important) job. And if you’re doing both? It can feel impossible to balance.

Since we can’t lengthen the day or duplicate ourselves, where we allocate our time is key to not only our success, but to our happiness as well.

Even if you’re not a global company’s CEO, many individuals, mostly women, go from working in the office to working at home with barely a coffee-break in between. After paperwork and meetings turn into driving the kids to sports practices and cooking dinner, special projects, hobbies, and self-care time can slip by the wayside.

[Related: Case Study: How One Mom Got Back Her Time]

More Time = More Happiness

Will more free time bring you joy?  Researchers say YES! 

The problem is that successful professionals do not have enough free time to run a household and do what they love.  For instance, the average CEO works 62.5 hrs+ (2018) and 79% of weekends. There is even a greater impact to women, who go home to “second shift” often taking a greater share of the burden of childcare and running a household. 

It may seem obvious, but more time typically equals more happiness. Those that feel stressed and time-pressed often have more anxiety and less overall life satisfaction than those who don’t think of time as a constant obstacle. 

It’s official, and studies such as “Buying Time Promotes Happiness” in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences show the proof. Researchers found that those who outsourced their tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and household management had significantly increased satisfaction on a 10 point scale. Another study from 2019 showed that people with more free time are actually healthier and even more productive.

Time-saving investments such as food delivery, taking a Lyft or Uber instead of the bus, or hiring a house cleaner can put you back in the driver’s seat and help you regain time, and thus regain control over the various components of your life. The more in control you feel? The happier you’ll feel.

[Related: Compassion Fatigue and How To Ease the Symptoms]

Outsource Your Tasks

Give yourself some time back by outsourcing tasks. Even if you think you can handle everything on your (ever-growing) to-do list, you most likely won’t have enough time left to spend with your loved ones, or on yourself. 

By hiring a personal assistant to take care of things like grocery shopping, meal planning and prepping, pet care, bill paying, and other tasks, you can rest easy and avoid burnout. This extra time can be key to your wellbeing.

Prioritize Quality Time

Once you do have some time back in the day, make it count. Don’t use it as an excuse to add even more work-related tasks to your plate. Spend time doing fun activities with your family, or simply enjoying each other’s company. Creating these memories will make every penny you spend on outsourcing tasks worth it.

[Related: The Pepper’s Way]

Make Room for Self-Care

Don’t forget about yourself along the way. Oftentimes we get so caught up with pleasing other people that we tend to leave ourselves behind. Taking time to recharge and practice self-care is essential, for your own health and happiness and so that you can be the best version of yourself to the people around you. 

Use your extra time to meditate, practice yoga, or take a long walk. You can even pamper yourself by getting your nails done, going to a spa, or taking yourself out to lunch. It’s amazing how good it can feel to have someone take care of you for a change—and you deserve it!

[Related: Why Choose Pepper’s?]

Contact Pepper’s Personal Assistants Today!

Pepper’s Personal Assistants is ready to help you regain your time and increase your happiness. Our personal assistants offer long-term, recurring household support in the Puget Sound Area. Interested? Contact us today to get started.

Featured image via Unsplash

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“My PA has truly exceeded my expectations. I really enjoy coming home now because everything in my home is something I know and love. She’s helped me with tasks I didn’t even know where to begin, and her ability to do the background work and present options has been invaluable. She has made it possible for me to manage things without feeling overwhelmed, and it’s been a game changer for me!”


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Support That Makes a Difference

“Having Missa as a PA has taken me from daily treading water to swimming to the shore. I’ve gone from never quite keeping up with things to actually having extra energy to do more. She has been a tremendous help, reducing my stress and allowing me to rest and recover. The support I receive is perfect; Missa is a 5 out of 5 in meeting all my needs. I’ve already recommended Pepper’s to a few friends because having extra help makes all the difference.”

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Back-to-School Unmatched Support

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PA to the Rescue

“I am very satisfied with my personal assistant. The biggest relief is knowing that when things get hectic with work my PA is there to help us from lighting on fire, especially when one of us is traveling.”

Ana V.

Dream PA Experience

“I am very satisfied; My PA has everything dialed in and the schedule works really well and is flexible when needed. Honestly: My PA and I click very well, I love it, it’s a dream!”

Jodi K.

Stress-Free Travel

“One of the massive benefits of having a PA is during travel disruptions. When flights are delayed, the kids are upset, and you’re stuck in customs, coming home to a stocked fridge and a prepared meal eliminates the need for a late-night milk run. You don’t realize the stress these tasks add until you have someone to handle them for you.”



“My PA is incredible—an 11 out of 10—really thoughtful, thorough, intuitive. She is professional but friendly; she has just been great. A couple of times because of things going on with her calendar, Kandis has been flexible—coming 15 minutes later to drop the dog off at puppy play. She has been really great.”


Thoughtful and Detail-Oriented

“My PA is a thoughtful and discerning assistant. She pays attention to details in our home and makes great suggestions for how to improve and optimize our lives. We trust her judgment, and she communicates proactively and frequently. She is always on-site on time and patient with my unpredictable schedule. We communicate frequently, but she’s also very efficient in how we communicate. Great work!”


Super Happy!

“[I] really do think Kandis is setting the bar! Having a new person come into your house can go either way. [I’m] very grateful for the time and energy and people that Pepper’s has. It’s a big step; no suggestions around onboarding. [I’m] really happy that we were able to board Kandis quickly; super happy for the West Seattle support.”


Organizing Superhero

“My PA is really good at organizing; it’s one of her superpowers. Some of the simple reorganizing things that she has done have made a big impact. She organized all the cat stuff in the garage and took the initiative on her own. She’s bright and cheery—no moaning, whining. Very great.”


One of the Best Decisions I’ve Made

“I just wanted to take a few minutes to tell you how much I have appreciated working with all of the Pepper’s staff. My assistant is so generous and thoughtful — she brings value to every interaction. I can’t remember a time when I’ve hired anyone with such a professional and high standard of customer service. Working with you all has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in a very long time!”


10/10 for Sure!

“Missa is a 10/10 for sure! She has been wonderful, and we check in regularly. I’m comfortable communicating with her about questions or requests, and she’s always been very responsive and also seems comfortable checking in if she has any questions for me. [The] biggest help remains pet care and household chores support, plus the help with one-off projects that come up. Missa has all kinds of skills she brings, (e.g., she’s currently putting together a ‘cat highway’ for the living room rafters).”


My Quality of Life Has Improved

“I used to spend every weekend and every evening doing chores and running errands. Now, I’m able to spend the time that I need to on my business, and then I get to enjoy my home and my life and the precious unstructured time that I have. The truth is, my quality of life has improved by having a Pepper’s household assistant here.”


Takes Initiative

“I want to mention what a fantastic personal assistant Billie is to me. We were on vacation last week, and she managed my household and vendors flawlessly. I even had her redecorate my office, and I gave her very little direction other than just to make it nice and functional, and, my goodness, did she ever! She takes initiative in my house in so many other ways but does not overstep or overspend. To strike that balance is really something unique and special. I feel really lucky to have her.”


I’m Blown Away

“[I’m] blown away by how much better the house looks already :)”


Kind, Caring, and Proactive

“My PA is a very caring person. I was incredibly ill last year, and my PA connected the dots that the washing machine had a lot of mold and thought the black specs on my clothes were from that. On her own time, my PA sent me an article about the impact of mold/washing machines. It was so kind of her.”


Goes Above and Beyond

“My PA has gone above and beyond. She’s organized my laundry room while keeping on top of laundry, which made it much easier to stay on top of stuff. She’s always ready to jump in and tackle items. It made this holiday season way less stressful.”
